...but my intentions are good. I'm just so busy that writing on a blog with a readership of just one (myself) is less of a priority. In fact, I'm not even sure if this is public. The privacy settings don't bother me, since I'm only doing this as a way to keep track of my own writings. I will be including my internship work in this. Probably the next year of my career also, as I step out of the sheltered university life and into the competitive Perth workplace of my dreams.
I am interning at the Leukaemia Foundation with a bunch of truly fantastic, friendly and supportive people I have come across to date. In an organisation that deals with people facing the hardships of blood cancer, I understand why friendliness is a priority, but they go above and beyond. I have been writing about my time there on my Professional Practice 393 unit blog, but I'm going to repeat it here, because I can.
As for that other, bigger, more difficult dream of the Big Apple, I'm working on it. I need to finish my degree and get some experience before I go, and my brother's wedding has been planned for New Years Eve this year in South Africa, and I want to go. So the aim is to leave Perth behind in May next year.
So now comes the visa forms, more budgeting, more saved money for those inevitable days of initial unemployment with the lingering chance for this pain to continue for the 4 short months my visa would allow me to stay for.
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